Live rock from swf

How good is the rock from swf.
Is it cured?
Does it have a lot of life on it?
Any good algae?
How about coraline?
Have any of you gotten pests with it?
How do they ship it...
In a box?
In a bag?
In water?


I ordered 30 lbs. in mid-July, and was very pleased. I had a very slight trace of ammonia for about 12 hours. I would cure it seperately, just to be safe this time. I still find new things that came in and on it(feather dusters, polyps, LOTS of copepods). I bought some rock on my last trip to Portland, and it sat in a tub in my living room curing for over 2 weeks. SWF LR was much better IMO. There was a post a couple of weeks ago from someone saying they weren't as pleased with the LR they got from here, but I would still not hesitate to order more. If you would like some pics let me know. The rock was shipped in a styrofoam cooler(inside a box) wrapped in wet newspaper. There is free 2nd day shipping, but you might e-mail them, and see if you can pay extra to get it sent overnight to avoid excessive die-off.
I do not think extra money for overnight would be worth it if you had not alot of die off then I will have less since RI is closer to Flordida than Oregon.
How was it for coraline growth? I do not want to buy gross looking brown rock.
Any one else purchase lr from here?


The rock I got for my 92 as awsome sized, life was good, I had minamal die off... more died off cuz I think my alk and cal are a little low.
but I was so impressed, my next order of LR will be from here. That and the fact that the lfs here sux when it comes to LR and they charge alot, I mean a whole alot more for their so called LR. Their LR is $35 a lb, a bit crazy if you ask me and there wasnt any coraline algea on it anywhere. At a glance I couldn't see any growth.