live rock growth?


Active Member
dont worry about it. They will change the link shortly anyways. Its happened to me several times. It does look like a good deal. Good luck with your tank. I hope its sucesful!


That sounds ok, but I think that 2 MH in a close proximity will heat up your tank. One should be enough. 250 watts of MH is really alot. It is not the same as 250watts PC or VHO. MH are lot more intense, partly because of concentration of lighting on a smaller area. A MH bulb is about 6-8 inches, as oppossed to 24 inches for a PC.


Active Member
errrrr. I would shy away from anemone's. They are veyr hard to keep in the home aquarium. Really just sad to see, neglected anemone's. Im sure the owners try everything to keep them alive, its just simply a difficult thing to do. They need great lighting and a great diet. Its just pretty tough.


thanks a, no problem, i am just trying to buy the correct lighting that will take care of me for whever i end up, right now its fish only and actually might just stay that way.