Live Rock has to go


Active Member
Wow this is an old thread. I do still have some live rock left. I moved it into my 300 gallon. It looks like I also might be taking down my 250 before too long.


New Member
Almost afraid to ask what the price is now? (after all the bickering) I have a 210G AGA with about 100 lbs Tampa Bay Live Rock (I paid $400 for it by the way) 40 lbs of Rock Rubble (mixed varieties of course) and 120 lbs of HiRocks that are used as Base Rock for now. I am totally looking for some flat type rock, which I am hoping you have? But I have already paid so much for rock as it is (and I even went & picked it up myself) I really am looking for a bargain. If you think you can help me out, let me know. Thanks! :jumping: :jumping:


well for anyone who wants to make a sale, the best way is to beat your competitor.. or u kno, a sukka is born each day..
but ya locally u should try to sell it... cuz w shippin, that ish is gona be expensive...


New Member
I loved my rock...since I picked it out myself. Just didn't know what I was getting myself into. Had no idea that mantis shrimp were all in the rocks. I have hand-caught about 7 of them so far, but it is a task and a half. Going to buy a puffer fish and just turn him lose in the tank and hope he catches whatever ones are left in there. Still hear clicking and just saw a big one last night so I know there are still more in my tank. I need to rid the rock of mantis before I can start my reef, or they will kill everything. So, I guess it depends on how much time you want to spend ridding yourself of the hitchhikers on the rock (in my case mantis shrimp is the only problem I've had). But the rock is absolutely alive and worth the money. Cycled my tank in 3 days flat. Never had a brown algae bloom, and never had problems with alk/salinity/or is great (except mantis of course)


New Member
Hey 1slapnuts, I'm really new to this (and I know this is better off on a different board), but I read somewhere that an octopus will clear out the mantis shrimp in no time. It will eat many of the other animals you put in too, so you have to "borrow" it to clean your tank of undesirables, and then give it back. Anybody hear of this? Can't remember where I read it...perhaps Sprung.


God, this is what the 3rd ressurection of this thread? I'm like somehow still subscribed to it lol