Live Rock in a bucket for how long? Big sale at LFS.


Well once a year my favorite LFS has this 'convention' where they bring in dealers from about a 2 hour radius of the Detroit area. Only 'Fish Club Members' can come. But to give you an idea of some of the great deals. Premium Figi LR is $3.99/lbs. In Detroit you're lucky to find it at $6/lb.
There are a couple things that I could do assuming there is some really choice pieces. I need to eventually get a 29 gallon for my sump. So I could just get that earlier and cure the LR in there. I could put the LR in a big rubbermaid garbage can. Or I could just pass on the sale and wait until I set up my system and pay the extra $2/lb. I could cure it, and possibly get some choice pieces for my new system. The time schedule is basically that right after Christmas my 75 gallon will be online. Am I just looking for reasons to buy things now and this is to much time. Or would anyone recommend me doing this. Also they are having an acrylic tank vender come in and selling tanks at the store's cost. Should I go acrylic or glass?


Active Member
are your talking about aquatic dis ? 15 and ryan
i remember them saying something about the 21 for the sale


Yeah, I got the special flyer in the mail and there are going to be some extreme deals. I talked with the guy who runs their saltwater department and last year he handled about 700 customers that day. Venders from Lansing come in and everything. I really wish I had my 75 all hooked up right now ... I would go crazy.
You have to be in the Fish Club ($9.99 membership) to get in the door that day. It opens at 10:00 and they server you by number like the butcher, and they start giving out numbers at 7:00 I guess.


Active Member
ya im a member, about the only place i buy from anymore..
ocean and seas (frazho and gratiot) seems to be a ich farm....


i would et as much as you can, and keep it in a rubbermade container with water and powerheads, heater, etc and then just do water chagnes like you normalyl would.
I am in a similar situation, i bought 200 pounds of live rock for $150.00 frmo a guy who was shutting down his tank. its in the basement right now with a 80 watts of light 12hrs on 12 hrs off, some culapera, and 2 powerheads and a heater.
im thinking of dunmping ina bag so southdown sand so by the time i get my refugium set uop, illl have some good live sand....


Upkeep for my tank is such:
One 1-2 gallon water change every week.
One or two other times a week I top off with Freshwater then 'skim' a little (about 4-10 ounces) of the surface water and replace with some of the saltwater I had not used that week.
Right now it probably equates to 30-60 minutes a week.
I am a fiddler though and have been moving a few of the corals around, not sure if that should be considered maintenance though.


tjkohler, when is this sale on LR at aquatic discoveries? I might have to get a membership, or steal slothy's. I am setting up a 125 gal, this will push me to get it setup quicker, now where is my debit card?


Six line wrasse's will be on sale for something like $12-15. It's one of the specific fish in the flyer. I was told that if I want to get my pick of stuff, to get there early to get a number, even if it's not open yet.
If you guys are getting there early to get numbers, care to talk shop between getting the numbers and when it opens?


Active Member
ya ill try to get up early :(
ya 6-line and a yellow watchmen goby are on my list, and maybe some more live rock, hell who knows maybe more critters hehehe


I'm getting to be friends with, is it Jim?, and he said the best way to do it is to come in on Friday and figure out what you want. Because when they call your number Saturday, you have to know exactly what you want or they have to pass you over. They are expected more than 700 people in an 8 hour time. The place will be packed.


Active Member
ya i deal with the manager of the store (mustache) forgot his name... i guess friday ill go after work since its 10 mins away...


Brian, I will go with you friday after work, if you want. Its not a long drive this time. How long can LR stay in garbage can scenerio, with water changes, powerhead, heater, etc.?


Active Member
as long as you want.... rubbermaid is the shiat ! ....
what time u get off of work ? im outa here at 4:00 everyday, prob be there around 4:15 or so..


Bri, I might take friday off work to get rubbermaid, powerhead, salt, etc. I will call you this week.:D Is you email notification work form, mine still is working.


Active Member
no its not working... i just use the F5 key :)...
ya im sure ill prob se ya out riding before hand... i thought you where gonna do the die of ffrom live rock to cycle tank ?


love to do die off from lr for cycle, but if I can get it cheaper then, hell I do not know, I will see, last night dismantled top wall above tank and remade it, its alot better fit, I will finish that tonight. I willbe at warren pipe this week for bulk heads, etc.