live rock in a fish only tank???


New Member
is it OK to have live rock in a fish only tank?
Do you have to have a protein skimmer with live rock? Noticed a few people had fish only tank's with live rock. What are the benefits of having live rock? Any disadvantages?
is Fiji rock the best? What should I look for when buying live rock?
Seriously thinking of purchasing some and any help on the subject would be appreciated! :D of


what you ar describing is called a FOWLR tank (Fish Only With Live Rock). Adding LR to the tank, IMO makes the tank look better and more natural, adds to the biodiversity of the tank, and increases the biofilter and thus the bioload of your tank.
There are many types of LR on the market. The most common ones are Fiji and Tonga. As a personal preference, I prefer Marshall Island or any other types that "everybody" does't have. I like to make my tank as unique as possible.
when buying LR, make sure it is cures, unless you are setting up a new tank. also, look for coraline coverage and life forms. good LR will not be too dense and will be porous. I recommend you check out your options for buying LR online. I have heard nothing but good things about the LR from this site.


I was wondering the same thing, btw sharkguy, what LFS do you go to? I noticed you live in the North. Cali.


New Member
mako -- I go to the tropical haven fish store in Modesto, and also twins aquariums in Stockton. How far away from these stores are you?


Wow, I live pretty far from those stores, I'm on the peninsula, so Im about 20 miles south of San Francisco.
disadvantages of lr and ls is none. i think it looks better than cc and dead coral. adds biological filtration for the fish. a protein skimmer will be needed for healthier water. look for cured liverock and argonite live sand should do the job.