Live rock in Q tank a disease carrier?


General question: Can live rock in a quarantine tank be a disease carrier? Can I put a piece of live rock in my quarantine tank for the cycle/bio filter for when I purchase several new fish...then after they 'pass' their quarantine test, put the rock back in the main tank if I don't see any disease? Or is this too risky in the slight chance that they kicked a disease while they were quarantining and passed it to the live rock to carry, which might possibly re-introduce it to them & their tank mates in the main tank?


Staff member
Yes some parasites might tack on to your live rock, but hopefully your main tank is mostly clear of any active disease process. The point to QT is to ensure that the new fish don't contaminate your tank, not to protect your new fish from what's in your tank.
Now, here is a more likely senerio. You have LR in your QT and add new fish, the fish come down with ick, thus exposing the rock to the disease. Now your new fish and rock are contaminated. Its better to use QT items for just QT, but you can add the live rock if that is the filter medium of your choice. Just be aware that if the rock is exposed to disease, then you will then have to treat your rock before placing it back in your tank.


Active Member
The solution is to use hyposalinity on all new fish. You can still use some live rock for your biological in the quarantine. That way the rock and fish are covered. Use hypo only on the rock in you quarantine tank.


THANKS guys.
In the case where I might have to treat new fish in quarantine with a non-copper medication to get rid of disease that they bring with them--can I still put this live rock back into the main tank, or is this a bad idea? Sounds like it is ok from what you said, Beth, about treating the rock.


Staff member
When I said treating the rock, I knew that wasn't going to come off very clear, sorry.
If the rock is exposed to disease, then you will have to treat it by isolating it until the disease cycle runs its course. You can not use medication with LR and you cannot use hyposalinity.
Meds, and low salinity will kill off the live rock, basically making it a dead rock--except for some bacteria, as Terry said.
I use rock myself in QT for the same reason you want to, as a filtration. However, I know very well I may be sacrificing the rock--meaning it is expendable.
Your best bet is to make the QT as sterile as possible, using your tank water to seed the QT. You can use PVC pipe for your fish to hide in, or, if you prefer, dead coral heads. Just remember, if you medicate your QT, then your coral heads shouldn't go in the tank either...especially a reef tank. If you don't medicate while using dead coral, you can return these to your tank, after sterilization.
Never use LR in a tank setup as a hospital.
[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]


While we're on the subject...
Is minimum 3 weeks of quarantine sufficient?
Is 2 newly purchased fish at a time in the hospital tank OK?
So...if I buy 2 fish from the lfs at the same time, bring them home and leave one in quarantine for 3 weeks & 1 for 4 weeks (to space out their introductions to the main tank) is this OK?


Active Member
Hypo can be used with live rock if you want to use it for the biological part. Hypo will not kill the bacteria used during the nitrogen cycle present on the rock. I would not use premium rock but base is fine. Terry has the better idea with the sponge but you will have to get the sponge out of a cycled or existing tank. 3 weeks should be minimum for quarantine. I would introduce both fish back to the main tank at the same time. This will reduce chances of fighting. You should not have any problems with ammonia with only two fish on an established tank.