Live rock in sump to decrease Nitrate question


I have a 54 gallon 3-4 month marine tank with 55 lbs of Fiji live rock. I have 1 maroon clown, 1 Yellow tang, 4 eel gobies, 1 black star damsel and 1 maroon clown fish. All the fish are very small-2-3 inches. I have a wet/dry trickle filter with bio balls. I am using a AquaC Urchin protein skimmer in the sump. I also have 3 powerheads in the tanks and am using a current USA power compact with dual 65 watt bulbs- one full spectrum daylight and 1 blue actinic. I have about 2 inches of crushed coral argonite as a substrate. Water parameters are Ammonia zero-Nitrite zero-Phosphate zero- calcium 400-ph 8.0 and salinity 30 * Total Nitrate levels are NOW at 80*.
I have easily maintained my Nitrates under 10 with a weekly 3 gallon water change. 2 weeks ago my Phosphate levels were 2.0. I added a phosphate sponge to the trickle filter at that time. This is the only thing different I did to my setup. Within 2 weeks the Phosphate levels dropped to Zero and the Nitrate levels sky rocketed. (Is this coincidence or does this Phosphate pad have something to do with it?) My well water used for water changes has zero phosphate and zero nitrate.
I am unsure why my Nitrates were below 10 for 3 months and then skyrocketed in 2 weeks without increasing the bioload. My question is should I remove the bio balls. Will the live rock and protein skimmer be enough. My thought is that maybe this nitrate build up is from the bio-balls. How about replacing the bio-balls with live rock. Will this prevent nitrate build up that occurs from a bio-ball type filtration sytem. I do not want to do a Refrugium at this time. I will purchase a Nitrate remover if necessary.
Thanks, Wayne


hi, im new to this as well and have had my tank up for about 4 months. same problem my phosphates were going up and so i added phoslock/phoszorb (somthing like that) sorry dont remember the name looks like coffee grounds. and now my ammonia and nitrates are reading high where as before i had none. even 3 water changes in a week had no effect on test results. So far my LFS conclusion is that the test kits i have used are reacting to the iron in the phosphate absorbing material. Not sure if you have the same problem but could be. let me know if you have any luck or if your ammonia spikes as well, also what test kits are you using.


Hi. So far my amonia and nitrites are zero. I intend to gradually remove the bio balls and replace with live rock. I will completely submerge the live rock in the wet/dry filter by rasing the water level of the tank. I will take the excess bioballs and submerge them in the overflow for now. Thats my plan untill I hear different. I will keep a close eye on the ammonia and nitrites to make sure the biological filter is keeping up. Without a massive water change hopefully my nitrates will drop and stay low. Thanks for the reply.
Sincerely, Wayne


mine were 0 as well until i moved the nylon out of the trickle filter and into the high GPH cannister filter. but i was always fighting nitrates when it was in the trikle filter. id be interested to see a ammonia and nitate test of your phosphate sponge soaked in fresh clean saltwater for 10 mins in a small bowl.


Darn. That would be a good idea but I just added 4.5 lbs of live rock gravel to the sump and placed the excess bio-balls underwater in the overflow. I rinsed the phosphate sponge thoroughly before putting back in the system. I would also like to see if this is collecting and possibly leaching nitrates into the system. I will test this sponge in a week. Good idea and I should have thought of that.
Take care, Wayne
P.S. I tested Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Proper PH 8.2. It states it contains no phosphates. Add a little of this to Phosphate free top off water and watch your phosphates levels go off the sacle. I contacted their tech support and they could not explain. I retested with distilled water and at our local dealers store...both of which had the same results.