There are two main schools of thought when dealing with filtering a reef system. One is based on using a bilogical filter just like you would on any other tank. This filter can be a bio-wheel, a wet/dry, etc.
The other method is based upon the premise that your live rock provides enough of a breeding ground for nitrifying bacteria to handle the waste load of a reef tank on it's own. In this case, no real external biological filtration is used, rather, heavy skimming using a seriously oversized simmer is used, along with a heavy LR load on the order of 1-2lbs per gallon as well as calcerous substate to provide a huge surface area for bacteria to congregate. This method is known as the Berlin Method (as it was developed in Germany) and is gaining widespread acceptance in the trade. There are, however, those who do not agree with the theory. I agree with it.
In my 55 reef system, I run 75lbs of LR, a 3" deep sand bed of Aragonite that was seeded with Arag-Alive! and detritus from a LFS system. My filtration is nothing more than an overflow, a 20 gallon aquarium as a sump, and a Red Sea Berlin skimmer running 24x7.
I do a weekly 5 gallon water change and use only RO/DI water with Kent salt. My levels are always perfect, and I run a full bio-load (IMO I guess).
How you do things depends largely on your results. In both of your cases, if your nitrates are uncontrollable, ask yourself
Am I overfeeding? Too much leftover food quickly breaks down.
Is my skimmer working? If your skimmer doesn't pull the wastes quickly enough, they break down.
Are there dead flow spots where detritus can build up and break down?
Am I cleaning the gravel often enough to prevent detritus buildup?
Am I changing enough water?
Am I overfiltering? - If this is the case, you need to start removing your filtration by either removing bits of equipment or portions of bio-media at a time and see what happens. Remember, nitrates won't go down fast on their own, so accompany each change in equipment with a partial water change. Watch those Ammonia and Nitrite levels! If they start to rise, back off and take it more slowly. If you do it right, you should be able to find a good balance or remove your extra bio-filtration all together with no problem. Good luck!