live rock is shooting out a plume


I know I ask alot of dumb questions and this one might be the topper. Three different times now I have seen my live rock shoot out sideways a plume of gue that dissapates in the water after the current gets a hold of it. Looks like the rock is sneezing.It is coming out a hole on the side of it.I tried to look into the hole with a flash light but can't see anything alive.I think I've been staring at my tank to long tell me I'm not crazy and this happens.Please. Since I started this tank I can't stop watching it.


I would say there is soemthing living inside that hole. Have you turned the lights out and waited to see if anything crawled out of there. I have a couple different creatures in my live rock that spit stuff out like that.


There is more than likely a type of worm living within that hole. As stated look with a flashlight after tank has been completely dark for 1-2 hours tonight. Make sure no other light hits the tank now - having a light on in the room or next room shining into it - ya get the picture.


It is a worm. If you watch closely, you can actually see it stick out a little from it's hole when it releases it's waste. I have seen these worms out at night, some are fairly large. I don't know what it is they eat, but I am assuming it is their butt sticking out of the hole and they are crapping into the water column. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Wow so I'm going crazy. I'll have to watch at night with the flash light. It really is a worm poopen? I thought it might be somthing sending out spores or or something cool like that but it's just poop? O well I'm still gonna look for it
Thanks, Steve


Well I'm not seeing things my son just saw it happen. I can't wait to see what it is.It's got to be pretty big by the size of the plume.
take some of that red saran wrap and wrap a layer around your flashlight. The night creatures cant see the red light but you can see them with it. Some people even have red bulbs just for night viewing on their hoods.