Live Rock Lighting


Since I've added live rock to my tank, I've noticed a huge algae bloom in my tank. I'm guessing it's due to the amount of time I keep the lights on. On average they are on for 8-10 hours per day. What is the minimum amount of time I need the lights on to provide ample growth on my live rock?


Pull a peice of rock out an tell me if it stinks or smells like saltwater.
If it smells than its the die off from the rock. If you put a whole bunch in at one time then this was bound to upset the system. Its almost like putting to many fish in at one time, you've overloaded the system.


My tank has been up for several years. I just added live rock for the first time about 6 weeks ago. I added about 15 pounds or 3 good size rocks. I'm not sure exactly what kind of lights I have, but they are high intensity and good enough for coral. Do I need the lights on to support the live rock?


If your liverock has coralline algae on it or any other photosynthetic life then I would have the lights on it. I might suggest a timer for the lights.
You may also want to start a 25% water change to help remove some of those nutrients caused by the live rock.