Live Rock Looks Bad,...


I just recieved an order of live rock from another online site and found it to be ,.. not so good. I want if this is normal for shipped LR. Its the carribean stuff which is supposed to be covered with life and algae and so forth and mine looks like concrete chunks. What would you do?? Will it get better or should i call them?


yeah here are a couple, you can see that there is very little coraline and the shapes are not very unique.
Here is there description:
(Caribbean Live Rock is an "uncured," porous rock that is available in specific box weights. This unique appearing live rock comes from Haiti and is actually ancient Lettuce coral heads that have been reencrusted over with coralline algae, sponges, tunicates, macro algaes, and other interesting invertebrates. Haitian live rock has many open areas due to its plating structure which will enable the aquarium to have better circulation, and a natural appearance.)
HMMM, mine looks like ,.. Concrete
(Haitian live rock is much lighter than any rock available in the market making it much easier to provide the desired look in the aquarium at an affordable price. ) I got one rock that was only 8 inches that weighed over 8 pounds! so much for light

I'm to too familiar with Caribbean live rock but it is uncured after all. I agree with you it looks like crap so i would defiantly call them.


Active Member
I was planning on getting that same live rock. Let me know what happens. It may just need to cure. As far as the full of life goes....I dont see it either.


it look like they sent u base rock to me instead,i ordered some rock like you and i could tell it was fuji but there wasnt no life to it.thats base rock man i would rase hell with the people u got it from and let us know how it goes cause no one will want to order that...


Active Member
sorta sad that you wouldnt use this website for the live rock, but will complain about the stuff you got here.

i do also agree that your rock looks like crap and no where near what the pic looks like it should.


Yeah i am going to call them , one rock looks okay but not anything like the pictue still, its not porous, light, unique colorful or anything. But kevin , this company is great i have ordered product from them many times and i expect they will resolve the issue.


where did you buy it, without linking? Just wondering, because that's just sad. To show that picture and recieve that product. I'd be po'd.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tacoma38
he never said where he got it,gooob

of course he didnt say where he got it, but he DID say he didnt get it here.


Active Member
I ordered the same stuff for one of my nanos, cycling took over a month with huge dieoff but it is decent shapes, I like the flat for shelves instead of just round rock and it will color up over time but don't expect much for hitchhikers. Your best bet I think is to order a variety. I'm setting up a tank for my pet store and am ordering the 50 pound box from here, all the pics look like it's covered in coralline and I've heard no bad reviews. Can't wait!