Live what


I put 50 lbs of lr in my still cycling 75 gal tank. I think I remember someone saying leave the lights off..should I?
What should I do now?


I would leave the lights on. What benefit would keeping them off have? Besides, it would be best for the coralline, and the tank looks nicer.


It was uncured. It smelled fairly fresh, but it was shipped to me from SWF.COM. I must say I have zero experience with live rock, but this stuff looked pretty good to me. Big hunks, no rubble, and covered with what looks like pink and purple. It has tons of caves, holes and surface area. I gotta say good looking stuff.
The reason someone said leave lights off was for algea bloom. Dont have a clue about what to do. I am gonna do what the board suggests (with fair judgment on my part)


hello, i would leave the lights on as if it was a cycled tank. My reason for that is, because the rock has life on it. it too needs light to maintane some of its little hosts.I don't think you would need alot of lighting but some would be better than none imo. Even the lfs use lighting when curing rock etc. also it would be interesting to see what kind of hitch hikers you have too. Now you have to be patient . wait for it to cycle. pls double check this info. HTH :)


I am a big fan of little bottles of stuff, and wether or not they all work, it makes me think im doing good to my tank most of the time. There are a couple products that you can use to help the life on your rock. I took a toothbrush to all of my coraline algae once it was in the water to get peices of it to rub off and become suspended in the water...... about 2 days later i had double the number of patches growing. To this I added a regiment of Kent Marine Coral-Accel, and while it may have been cooincidence, almost all of my rock is now encrusted.
Another product is called BlackPowder that does similar things to your water quality. It boosts the nutrients for the little things that come attatched to your rocks and helps promote growth and discourages unnecessary die-off.
I used Coral-Accel, and my neighbor used BlackPowder and both of us have real nice looking rock. Like I said it might be a gimmick, but it sure didn't hurt anything. You might try giving one of these types of products a try while you are waiting for your rock to finish curing.
GL and im jealous of all your fine rock.


Active Member
actually any change in lighting can affect hte rock and or the tank(and right at first there definitely is a change, from none to whatever), IMO, i only light a couple of hours a day and then gradually increase over time, it can and does affect the algae(coraline included) growth