Live rock only as filtration?


New Member
okay, im definetly new to all this....but I've read and researched a lot. I'm pretty confused with everyones "IMO" so...I've read that protein skimmers are not needed in a 20 gal nano. becuase it takes a lot of the nutrients out. also read that HOB/ Canister filters just create more nitrates. I was wondering should i just run my AC 20? just the little bio rings and the coals? I Have 35lbs LS and 20lbs LR was wondering if i should add another 30lbs LR? Oh and dont have the money right now to do a sump....
20 gal, PC dual 65watt 50/50 w moonlight leds, skilter 250 ( i know big big waste of money and mistake...i got suckered into it) AC 20, 2 powerheads
Inverts: emeralds, blue/red/scarlet legs, misc snails. coco worm
fish: 2 clowns, 3 b/g chromis, PS dottyback, OS goby
corals: frogspawn, green flower pot, GSP, brown toadstools,kenya trees

keith gray

My son has a 14 biocube and does 2 gallon water changes every other week. He does not have skimmer. In the back chambers we have replaced bioballs slowly over time with rubble rock and he uses Seachem gel to control nitrates and phosphates. It has worked really well. We also have a sponge placed back there to catch big food particles and such.
I think he has about 15 lbs of live rock now. He had more before but to be honest I think its better now. He had so much live rock in there at one point that the flow was not good in, around, and through all of the rocks.
His set up now does very well.


Active Member
I am no expert by any means, but I would use something other than just rock to catch stuff. The sponge idea from above sounds like it would work assuming it gets cleaned every other week too.


If you are very good about your water changes then yes, you can do without a skimmer.
The glory of a skimmer, especially in small systems is it will take out stuff that you might bring in on your hands like soap or oil. which is pretty nice to have in a small system since there isn't alot of water volume there to dilute it.
They make nano skimmers too :)


New Member
thanks everyone! well looks like ill invest in a nano does anyone know a good protein skimmer for a 20 gal?

keith gray

I never got one for my son's biocube because everyone on the forums I talked to said that the nano skimmers don't work well at all. I guess its a personal choice....