Live rock or sand

i highly recomend both. how much you put in depends on the tank size. for a really thin sand bed, use about a pound per gallon of sand. for a deep sand bed, you'll have to ask around, since i don't know. usually a pound of live rock per gallon is good too. the rock can be added gradually while the sand should be added all at once to prevent any hassel.


I saw a good formula for determining how much (lbs) of sand you'll need:
Length x Width (of your tank) x Desired depth X 0.0579
Hope that helps, Mike

nm reef

Active Member
I may be wrong but it seems you are asking if you could place LR/LS in your sump...where your skimmer is. If so then yes you could but I would personally prefer to have the sump free of either....I run a sump that has only inlets/skimmer/return pump...I do have a rather large refugium seperate from the sump and the refugium has lots of rubble rock/LS and macro algaes. I'd suggest that if you do add LR/LS to your sump you may want to have chambers or dividers of some kind to have seperate areas for skimmer and LR/LS.:cool: