I have never heard of that, but I am pretty new to this hobby myself. The figi live rock should not have the unwanted hitch-hickers. If you REALLY want the Florida live rock, then you should expet some hitch-hikers wanted, and I am sure probably unwanted. I think if you were going to put the rock under lights, to try to kill any unwanted hitch-hikers you could probably also hurt the wanted ones. That is just a thought. I also think (remember it is 11 at night so thinking might not be so good) that if you were going to put a light over the rock, it would have to be a strong light, not just florescent. If I were you, and I really wanted the Florida liverock, then I would add a new thread asking if you could do the light thing to kill the unwatned hitch-hikers. I have obly been at this hobby for 8 months, and I have never read about the tubberwear and lights thing.