Live Rock Problems


i got a 72 gal bow tank, and want to make it a reef tank but i heard about these shrimp that come with your live rock sometimes and can kill everything, if that is true how do i get rid of them


there called mantis shrimp.they wont kill everything in the tank just mostly all snails, hermits, fish it can get its hands doesnt mess with corals.not all like rock comes with them.its the chance you have to take but most likely you wont get one.


I wouldnt even worry about it. I have never had anything unwanted come on live rock except apitasia anonomes. Most things that come on it are benificial. Live rock and live sand are the best things you can put in your tank.


New Member
I agree, I wouldn't worry about something like that. It would be rare if you did though. I would be more worried about something that would multiply like the aptasia or bristle worms


what do aptasia and bristle worms do? this is my first saltwater tank all i got in my tank is 3 skunk clowns, a cleaner shrimp, a bar goby, and 5 hermit crabs had the tank for 3 months. ordering live rock tomarrow. i've got black sand to bring out color in fish what would you suggest to add to it. it is a 72 bow tank


Apitasia are tiny anenomes that multiply like crazy. They can sting fish and kill coral. Ive had some kill my bubble coral because I didnt notice them until it was dead. Pepermint shrimp will eat them and you could buy products to kill them. Not really a problem if you notice them right away. Bristle worms arent bad like alot of people think. They are a very important sand bed scavenger. Some places even sell them. I am going to buy some for the new tank Im setting up. The fire worm is a bad worm thats related but are rare. I have tons of worms in my rock that come out a night some are like 6 inches or longer. They dont harm anything just scavenge. Get some live rock and if you have any problems just ask someone and it can be solved right away.


If you want a reef 1 1/2 lbs a gallon is pretty good that will go up to about 1/2 the tank height. Live rock helps filter water and usually will come with sponges,corals, and coraline algae among other things. Your fish will like it too.


I suggest get a book and take a look at whats out there and what you want. For corals a great book is aquarium corals by eric bohreman. Last name may be misspelled. In general you should pick a group you like sps,lps, or softies and stick with them. I like lps alot of cool corals and dont need as great of water quality as sps. Hammers are cool, frogspawn, brains. These are pretty easy to keep. Another good book is the concientious marine aquarist. I am about to set up a 75 with refugium I have 2 175 watt halides 14000k. That would be sufficent lighting for most corals besides some sps. Read read read. Dont just get advice from one source.