Live rock problems...



With all the attention I've been paying to my QT and the ailing clownfish in it, I've forgotten about the established tank this past week... Today I noticed that the live rock in the tank has been dramatically darkening in color - Turned from greens and reds to mostly browns and greys... What does this mean? I don't have a reef tank (i have a FOWLR) but I had been adding calcium to the tank about 3 times a week until the past week and a half or two weeks. Is this the problem?
Other info: All water parameters are normal/good. I have pretty strong red algae (slimy looking) growing on the gravel and some rock). Also, I noticed yesterday that my canister filter had not been working properly so I fixed it then but it had been malfunctioning probably for the past 5 days.


sounds like your still in the cycle. I would do a water change with a light vaccuum of substrate. too much will really spike the nitrates. the red slimy stuff is slime algae, you can get stuff to get rid of it at your LFS. this too i feel is part of the cycle. I went thru it too. but haven't had any problems since. also a good catch on the filter not working properly. its easy to forget the mechanical things when enjoying the fish.:)


I do think I need to do a water change - I did one 2 weeks ago so I'll do another one now... can I vacuum up the slime algae on the gravel? Also, my tank stopped cycling a couple months ago, so its probably not a cycling problem!


I'm having the same problem in my tank right now. I heard taking out the phosphates help, but you might want to ask a shark. Post and let me know.Please. I did a water change also so we will see if that helps in the long run. My tank is also just a few months old.