Live Rock Question....If it dies, does it put out nitrates in your tank?


I've heard if your live rock ends up turning white in your tank, it is now considered dead rock and it puts out nitrates in your tank. Is this true or false. Also why does it turn white in some patchy areas. Thanks for helping answer this question. :thinking:


Active Member
Basicly, Rock is rock...and is not "alive"...
It is the stuff "on" the rock that gives it the term "Live rock"... Bacteria, algae (micro,macro,coraline,nuscience,etc), feather dusters, worms, pods, and assorted micro and macro flora and fauna...etc...etc..etc..
If "that" stuff dies, it will decompose and and that being part of the NitrAte cycle can end up as elevated nitrates in tank, (unless you have a complete nitrogen cycle where nitrates are converted to nitrogen gas, or are exported thru other means)
Patchs turning white are "generally" coraline and can rebuild and come back without a nitrate rise...
Is this rock new..? old , just added, was it shipped, or has it been cured...?


lol...I am aware what live rock is. This rock has actually been in my tank for over a few years. We had alot of hair alage and then it finally disapeared. I was just more concerned if the rock turns white in some areas does that mean it died off and does it cause nitrates to rise in my tank? thanks.