Live Rock Question ...


I have a 30 gallon tank and about 13 pounds of live rock so far...
Should I put in one large quanity of LR or should I add it a little at a time?
Thank you for your help in advance


Active Member
Is your tank cycled yet? If it is you can add CURED LR a little at a time if you want. IMO I would put all the LR in at once and let the tank stabilize.


well i know i have been adding a little at a time and i have to rearange the rocks everytime. this is because the other rocks might look better where there is some other rock. so in saying that i would recomend getting all the rock you want first let it cure and stabilize then arange it the way you want.
but thats my $.02


doesnt matter it all depends on how thick ur wallet is lol so u do the rest of da math n if ur wallet is as thick as mine lol jk i reccommend gettin ultra figi live rock it owns!



Originally posted by vtecbro007
doesnt matter it all depends on how thick ur wallet is lol so u do the rest of da math n if ur wallet is as thick as mine lol jk i reccommend gettin ultra figi live rock it owns!

Hey Vtec,
Why don't you share your fundage so I can fill up my tank with alot of live rock.
Nessa aka DjBabylove
P.S Email me and I will give you my bank routing and account number.