live rock question


New Member
on a sitei visited, their live rock was really cheap, but they said that it wasn't "cured" and that the customer has to "cure" the rock for 2-3 weeks.what is "curing" and how do you do it? also if the rock is about 44 pounds, about how big is that?

any ideas?


Blue... my email is .... Email me the adress i would like to take a look at it... When you buy live rock that isnt "cured" this means that before you put it in your tank (unless you dont have any fish yet in there) you need to put it in another tank.. or buckets with saltwater, a heater, power head and preferably a protein skimmer... this is because there will be a lot of die off of living materials on the rock, and if this is in the tank while it happens.. it will release large amounts of amonia.. which can kill your fish.. or even re cycle you tank killing everything..


I am curing live rock right now in a big rubbermaid tub filled with saltwater. There is also a small HOB filter, protein skimmer and 2 power heads inside. When you first recieve the rock you need to scrub it in a bucket of saltwater, and do it one more time the next day. WARNING- If you do this indoors the rock is going to smell really bad for a week so do it in a well ventillated area.


New Member
what the heck is a protein skimmer and powerheads? see im new to all this stuff....on the site it said "we only provide you with the best quality of fiji LV" i wonder what best quality is...:help:


blue hippo.. you have to do some research on your own. Use the "SEARCH" feature on the top right... there are tons of info