live rock question


I've noticed that my live rock goes through spells of good and bad. At the store the rock was beautiful and full of purple algae, and when I got it home i had the normal die off but it never got back to where it was at the store. basically i've just noticed my rock goes through spells algae growth and then die off, and i dont why. its not normal is it? I was hoping by now that the algae would have spread to the parts of the rock that werent already covered, but i'm lucky to keep the algae where it was originally. does anybody know what might be going on with it, and is it a real problem or sign of something bad thanks!


Active Member
Well first off, what color is the algae that you do have growing? what kind of lights do you have? what kind of water are you using?


The algae is purple. I have one 36' 50/50 flourecent bulb (nothin fancy, i know) and my water is a combo of tap and distilled from wal mart. I set the tank up with tap water not knowing any better, and have since done top offs with the distilled. However, the two water changes I have done were with the water i mixed originally that i have kept in a trash can (with a tight lid in a cool area with two powerhead)


Puffer, i've heard that high intensity lighting isnt all that necesary for healty live rock. But then again i might have heard wrong...and as far as calcium goes, i've used it off and on but never regularly. I've dosed it for the past two nights, and i hope to pick up a calcium test kit today to monitor the levels. does calcium have alot to do with it?


hey dont be sorry. no problem by me. all i know is what i've been told also. maybe somebody can clear it up for us


Lighting shouldn't be an issue... I've had coraline algae spread all over the place with N.O. lighting. It does need calcium to spread, but there is usually enough from the substrate.
Do a search for Calcium/pH/Alkalinity. Banguy did an excellent post about how the three of them interact. A must read before changing any of them... although it may be a little confusing...