Live rock question


I am currently starting a new saltwater aquarium. Is it best to insert the Live Rock Before or after the water is added/will the fresh water kill it?
Other question if you could help- would a snowflake eel eat a large clownfish with an anenome?


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquaria
I am currently starting a new saltwater aquarium. Is it best to insert the Live Rock Before or after the water is added/will the fresh water kill it?
Other question if you could help- would a snowflake eel eat a large clownfish with an anenome?
You will want to mix the salt water before adding it to the tank. you will want the rocks firmly on the tanks bottom before adding sand or CC.
EDIT: also please check some of the threads involving LR before continueing.


Active Member
It's best to prepare your saltwater in advance. It really should be aereated for about 24 hours before use to allow for balancing. If you have the ability to make your water (barrel, trash can etc.) separate then you could arrange your rock in the tank and then add water. It's easier to aquascape without water. If you don't have that option then putting fresh water in your tank and adding salt and then curing should take place before putting your rock in .
As for a snowflake and a fish. Snowflakes feed on crustaceans in the wild and will not bother your fish.
Good Luck!