live rock questioon


When adding live rock or rock to your tank. Do you want to start at the back glass and move up and out or can you leave a place for the fish to swim behind?? Most tank pics I have been looking at it looks as if the rock goes to the back glass.. Or is it up to one own invention? I just would like to do it right the first time so as not to freak my fish out any more than I have to.


It all depends on how you want things since it is your tank. It may also depend on the size of the live rock. If you have large towering pieces I'd put those towards the back and place the smaller pieces towards the front, pyramid shape. You'll lose swimming space up front if you pile everything towards the front of the tank. I don't like any of my rocks touching glass, it doesn't look natural. If you do place rocks against the glass make sure they don't slip because they can scratch the glass.