Live rock set up


I have a great selection of live rock. How can I set it up. I want it to look good. I currently have it all placed to create little caves and stuff. It just does not look good. Everyone in side the tank loves it. My other half hates the way it looks.... PLEASE HELP me.... I am at wits end trying to figure this out and keep everyone happy..

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by Sxy_kya_06
I have a great selection of live rock. How can I set it up. I want it to look good. I currently have it all placed to create little caves and stuff. It just does not look good. Everyone in side the tank loves it. My other half hates the way it looks.... PLEASE HELP me.... I am at wits end trying to figure this out and keep everyone happy..

You might try just randomly setting up some pieces without worrying about a definite plan. Some times you can come up with something that looks good that way. Try to make your scape as natural looking as possible. I hope this helps.
Yeah, pictures would help. I think that often times if you just randomly place the rocks in the tank without thinking too much about it they turn out better than if you tried to plan things out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
You might try just randomly setting up some pieces without worrying about a definite plan. Some times you can come up with something that looks good that way. Try to make your scape as natural looking as possible. I hope this helps.
Yep. Nature is random.
I tried doing this too recently, and ended up taking all my rock out, and just stacked it randomly. Once you get a few pieces laid, things will start to fall into place.
My two biggest pieces of advice are to first lay the rock out somewhere... on a tarp, towels, whatever, so you can get an at a glance view of what all you have to work with. Second, have your better half help you. That's what I did... it helps to have someone standing at a viewer's perspective while it's being placed.