Live rock set-up?


ok i am getting ready to get some live rock for my 55g adn i do not know how to set it up. i know how to acclimat it an everything i just dont know how to stack it. one person told me to just stack all the rock together and one told me i need base rock then stack the live rock on there. so what do i do?
thanks guys


Active Member
most people use big rocks at the bottom then smaller ones on top. u can go to the photo section and see peoples tanks to get a few ideas.


some people use rods to make the aqua scape look SUPER GOOD. Nice caves, brriges and leadges . I recommend you wait till you get a more pratice.
P.S. watch the rock/glass contact scratches in glass are tuff to remove.


Active Member
The key is for both you and your captives to be happy with the setup.
That means, if you know your stocklist, set up the tank for those fish. I try to make as many caves and holes as possible for fish to hide out in.
Also, I always have a PH blowing along the bottom of the back. That keep detritus from collecting there, where its difficult to get out.
Oh, and make sure its stable. I'm pretty sure I killed a Fridmani 2 days after it went into the tank during a rock collapse while I was redoing my aquascape.


ok thanks for all the good tips. i have one other question: is 50-55lbs of live rock good for a 55g tank? i have always herd that it should be a pound for every gallon. is that true? opps thats 2 questions o well


As long as your fish have room to move the more the better. I have about 100 or 115 lbs of rock in a 75 gal. Before I pushed the lower rocks into hte sand bed mine looked a little crowded but after I did push them down it looked like I lost 30 lbs of rock. Now it looks a lot better.


Active Member
I have over 50 lbs in a 30, and my tank is relatively full, but not abnormally so.
I would start with 1 lb/g. Its a lot easier to add more later (IF ITS CURED!!!) than to try and get rid of a couple pounds.


Get some good base rock and place directly on the bottom glass. Then add sand and build from there. That way your diggers won't cause an avalanche and kill themselves.


ok i found a great deal on some live rock less then $1lb but its got some groth on it. my question is: can i take it from the tank its in an put it in my tank? or do i have to scrap it all off and recure it for a month? or can i qt it for a few days? i dont really want to pass up that kind of price for 50lbs or live fiji rock thats right down the street( 4 houses down to be exact)
thanks peeps


some small coarl looking stuff nothing really big but its been in the tank for over 2 years so it looks really nice.


I guess that would be ok as long as you dont see any aiptasia. They look like tiny little anemone and feather duster mixed. The tank has been running the whole time so the rock is still live?


y would that be bad? i dont know what that looks like so idk if its on there or not. from what ive seen the rock is mostly just this greenish color with very little groth of any kind a pic of what you are talking about would be great though. thanks for your help


Unfortunately I dont have a picture for you but I'm sure you can find them on the internet. They are ok for a fish only tank but with any corals Iwouldnt risk getting the corals stung.