Live Rock Setup Pics


Active Member
are you going reef with it because how you have it it will turn out nice once you fill in some of the holes in the rocks with corals!!looks great


Active Member
IMO, to wall looking, not very natural. Maybe pick up some odd shaped pieces, those all look the same. Aquascaping is a pain in the a**!! I remember some of your older pics of scaping, and it is looking alot better.


Active Member
paulcoates, I just moved from WC to coatesville. Miss my home town alot. I love your tank! I am having one built into the wall in my new home, 75 gal, hope to someday have alot of rock like you have, where did you get it? You can email me at if you rather answer that in an email.



Originally posted by stuckinfla
IMO, to wall looking, not very natural. Maybe pick up some odd shaped pieces, those all look the same. Aquascaping is a pain in the a**!! I remember some of your older pics of scaping, and it is looking alot better.

I agree. Not bad looking, but too staight up and down. I would try for a more irregular natural look, but that is just me. Here is my 65 with 75 pounds of rock. Not the best by far but just an idea of what I am talking about.


I actually have too much live rock I think. If I dont put it that way I will either need to get a hammer and break it up, or I wont be able to use my magfloat to clean the glass because the rock will be butting up against the glass...
Maybe I'll try to rework it?


Active Member
I actually was wondering how much water is left after all that rock. Aquascaping is like decorating your house sometimes - leave it for awhile and then rearrange the furniture every so often. You might change it a few times a year until you're happy with it, and then you'll still change it a little at times.
Make some caverns with it - put some to the side and clear out some cave area - I bet you'll like it.


no offence but it looks like the Great wall of china....
I love the look of caves and pathways, where the fish swim in and out; gives it more of a natural look...IMO
be careful when adding additives becuase lets says your tank is 120 gallons with all that rock in there its more like a 90 gallon...


Too much rock, IMO. Maybe you have a sump or a fuge you can put some of that rock into?
I agree with everyone who says it's not natural-looking. Caves and caverns and bridges would look cool, and you have enough rock to build something neat. Maybe if you search for pics and see something you like, you can try to minic it. I'm sure you'll find something you (and your fish!) will enjoy. :)


Being the helpful kinda guy that I am, I would be more than happy to take some of that rock off your hands. I think that would be the best solution to your problem.
That is a 55 gallon tank, right? How many pounds of rock is in there?


yep I agree, to much wall. I of course like the cave, cavern look. :jumping: yup, live rock is a pia to work with... LOL..


I would take out around 35 pounds and rearrange and see what you come up with. You can store the extra in my tank or use a rubbermaid tote. Having that extra rock laying around is a great reason for HAVING to get another tank.