live rock shipping?


Active Member
if i were to have it shipped within 4 days, would that be pointless? would most of the lr die off?
cause i have within 3 days, or within 4, but the within 4 saves would save me 50 bux//// or should i just go to a place that does 2 days? lol
thanks for any tips/help


Active Member
I would check out having it drop shipped from airport to airport. Cheaper than shipping and it's same day.
Never bought 4 day old rock, but I would have to guess the die off will be substantial to almost complete.
I bought three different shipments of live rock when I was stocking my tank. All three were drop shipped. Still, the die off was significant. I can't imagine how bad it would be after four days.


Active Member
do you remember where you got your live rock from? the two sites i found don't offer that......