Live Rock storage?


I am going to start my tank over with ro due to water contamination. I have to go to Walmart and buy some. what should i do with my lr in the mean time??? (30 pounds)


Active Member
What type of contamination??? :notsure: If its real bad the LR might be unusable. But in the meantime I would put in in a rubbermaid container with a powerhead or 2


The water thats in the tank was tap and someone on here said that it was contaminated because my fish keep dying, I have a real bad algea problem, and theres nothing else wrong with my parameters! So I should start over!!


Active Member
Hmmmm well the algae was probably due to high phosphates in your tap water, did you check for copper? :thinking: I would clean all your filters with ro water and just start over let your tank cycle again get some fresh sand live or plain aragonite and use the lr you have just take it out of the tap water and put it in your newly mixed ro salt water


Active Member
wait are you talking about scraping the hair algae off? if so then yes you can do that just use a tooth brush or a very fine bristle brush

fire clown

New Member
Originally Posted by Fishy?
:thinking: Should i clean the lr first?
justen u stupied

just let it filter in tell i get back. dam you think you know what your doing but u havent a clue try some research for a first mabe that will help :notsure: