live rock surprises


Just interested in hearing what hitchhikers you've come across or what creatures mysteriously show up in your tank? Also any corals that have popped up that you didn't notice before.


Active Member
I had two black snails that are very cool and this lovely little anenome - some people call it aptasia .... I prefer to think of it as the rag weed of the salt water world!!


I have a fleshy limpet, a keyhole limpet, a very strange looking crab, and I'm pretty sure a mantis.


Active Member
Sponges, Tunicates, Brittle Stars, Limpets, Chitons, some Porites Coral, Sea Slugs, Crabs

blue dew

Well so far I've noticed,
Lots of bristile worms (some grey, most red colored), "spagetti" worms, too many Aiptasia anenomes, a nice size green mushroom, a small Asternia starfish, and last night a dime sized red colored serpent star or brittle star poped out of the rock. Every night there seems to be something new coming out of the rockwork.


My rock came with a bunch of small feather dusters, some are green, some are reddishh brown. Also some Dark red algae or something, it's not slimy, it has heart shaped leaves kindof,,, I don't know What it is!! Andyway,, also some wierd red plant things that are like an eigth of an inch tall and stick straight up,, I don't know what those are either!! :D


I have had my tank for over a year with no new LR added. Everynow and then something new pops up. The 2 most recent things were a 4-5 in. worm that was a very bright solid yellow. Looks like a bristleworm or a centipede. Came out in the daylight. Also new is a new type of corraline algae. Purple colored wafers that aren't coating the rock,but lifting off like leaves. Definatley corraline(identified from pics)


I've found a couple of mean looking brown crabs and a "hairy" mushroom, some some small brittle stars and an unidentified starfish, and a purple spined urchin.

randy 12

Draxx, where did you get that rock? I've never found that much or anything that interesting!