live rock turning white


just recently i have noticed that my live rock is starting to turn white and some of the larger pebels on the sand bed that were dark green are also getting a whiteish colour
any ideas?


how long has you tank been set-up for? I ask because if it's fairly new, then it's the algae dying. AT least that's what happened with my coraline algae, it turned white and then came back again. But I don't know if it'll be the same for the green that you mention


ya my tank is fairly new (5 months) is it dying because im doin somthing wrong or does it just do that???
i keep my cal. @ 420ppm
i hope it goes back to being colourful
did all of your coraline die because mine is mostly going white on the rocks at the top of the tank


Mine was the purple one. When I bought the live rock, it was covered with purple coraline and it all died and turned white. Then over the next weeks it started coming back again. I'm not sure why it dies(maybe some else might help here), but it will come back


Active Member
Normally will die off when exposed to air and light for an amount of time. Will recolor, IME comes back in greens then goes to the reds and purples.


when i bought the rocks they where un cured and had no alge they where brown and muddy then after about a 1-2 months the grew coraline
i think i may know what happend my skimmer recently screwed up and was producing tons of bubbles mabe thats what killed it??? the most effected area is where the skimmer output is