live rock wanted in Michigan



This was my 90 going through its cycle, What you see is on the sandbed. It is the diatom blooms, the dead remains of the diatioms, they are a rusty brown.


BTW, all that being said I will probably never buy any LR again just BR. Even when you order LR at the high LR price you still get some smaller pcs.


While this 90 was boiling to perfection I had a 55 gallon going with about 50+ pounds of liverock in it, that live rock was all purchased at my LFS for 5.99 per pound, and it was basically wet rock when purchased. I made it grow with coralline algae. After plenty of research I decided to spend the money on baserock and make it live myself, saved a ton of money. It can take months to get the coralline growing on it. You should purchase some live rock to get the pods and worms that may be in them to help seed the base rock, but you don't have to spend a fortune on it.
Get it :jumping:
Here is another early tank shot after transfering the liverock over from my 55 gallon. Since this shot I have added much more baserock and have been building it up.


I have over 100 lbs of LR (orig. approx. 25 BR and 80 LR) in my tank now for over a year, I just won't buy any more LR I will only buy BR. I figure when/if I get my 150 that I want I will use BR but I have lots of small pcs now and would like to get only big ones. That is why I'm considering the 1 ton pallet load to get what I want and to make a small profit to pay for the trouble + little extra. With a high LR to BR ratio I think it "colors" much faster too.


Well I tell you it was 2.5 years ago when I ordered it. I got it off that famous auction site. No telling what they charge now for it. But if you go to search for it use the terms base rock or put them together baserock. The user that was selling it was H.I.Rocks I believe or something like that.
I no longer have their home site listed in my fav's.