Live Rock !!!!!!!



I personally like Marshall Islands liverock the best.
I hear that Kaleini is good.
Tonga branch is pretty neat too.
Aquacultured Gulf rock is nice in regards to color and life.
Best price cannot be discussed because of board policy - but honestly, it really depends on what you want. That - and it's such an important part of your reef - do you really want price to be the only deciding factor?
I mean, you pay so much for other things - why skimp on the liverock?


Active Member
My favorites were both mentioned by Kistheeze, Marshall Island and Kaelini. If you can find either type of rock for less than $4 a pound, you've found a pretty good deal.


Active Member
Personally I think the best stuff is homemade or dry base rock seeded with a few pieces of LR. I know a lot of people say that the LR is just rubble that is collecting around the base of the reefs - but that rubble becomes and addition to the reef (slowly and over time). Why take more than we need??
I would look @ Hawaiian Island base rock. It is heavy but very pourous. Between some of that and some homemade LR and a few pieces picked out from the LFS you should be set ....
If that fails look @ aquacultured rock but be cautious of getting unwanted critters.