live rock


If you buy live rock from LFS and it is in a tank with just rocks, to you need to cure it before it goes in your tank? I would assume the pet store does nothing to it except dump it in thier tank?


they put lr in tanks to cure,ask them if the rock you buy is cured,any purple coloring on it .that would be a plus


New Member
Since LR is the topic of discussion on the forum, I'd like to know about buying LR online...I just brought 40lbs online and because of high shipping costs, had it ground delivered (bought on Monday, will arrive on Friday). Should I be concerned about my rock not being "live" by the time it reaches my tank? How do others deal w/ potential die off?


Active Member
Live rock itself isnt live it is the bacteria on the rock. It should be fine but if there were any hitchhikers on the rock they will probly be dead. The easiest way and most common is to scrub the rock with a tooth brush in saltwater to get the dead things off.