live rock


:notsure: I am getting ready to order live rock from here,should I go ahead and order fish at that time or should I wait a week or two. How abould corals? I just do not know how stressful shipping is to these and new stuff always stresses a tank a little anyway. I have 50/50 lighting,is that good enough for corals? the box says it is, and for the price i paid for it, it should be,but, you know....Tank is over a year old and it already has live rock and sand in it. All levels are perfect.


Active Member
I am assuming you are not planning on putting the rock in right away, yes? You will cure it someplace first?


says its already cured. They said quality figi rock,pre cured. Was gonna buy it here on this site. My LFS NEVER has any cured; and I live 2 hours away. Thought I would try ordering it. Do I need to cure it again? i do have a tank to do it in,just didn't want to.


Active Member
In shipping, things will die off. It is a very good idea not to add this rock directly to your tank, but to allow it to don't want any ammonia spike in your established system.


Active Member
im pretty sure even if its cured ur supposed to wash it off anyway, at least i do. in a cycled tank, i would add a few pounds at a time so u dont start a new cycle. i would wait on the fish because the stress from new rock, plus shipping could leed to ick, which will mess up ur tank. if u have a quarantine tank, then u could order both the fish and rock together and quarantine ur fish for a week or two, and by that time ur rock will be settled down. so if u have a qt order the fish and the rock together imo :yes:


Thanks! I added all my rock when i started the tank(let it cure) and then fish later,i have not added rock I will order the rock;let it cure again a week or two; then order something else. :happyfish :happyfish


Wait, I'm getting a little conflicted here. So, you have a tank already established with LR? And it has fish in it? And you're going to order rock from SWF and then put it in the tank that already has LR in it, with fish, and has already cycled once? If that's what you're doing, you're going to start another cycle. You need to take the rock you order from SWF and put it in a large bucket or trash can and let it cure that way. Putting it into your tank that already has fish will not be good.


as long as u cure the rock first u can added to ur existing set up. u can also order fish if your tak is established enough to handle more bioload.the two things have nothing to do with each other. you might add a bit more stress to newly acquired fish when u'll be putting CURED rock into the tank, but other then that u'll be fine.


Now I am confused,Yes, I have an already established tank.50 gal...I am going to go pick up a new 75 tomorrow. Was going to use the 50 as a refuge if i can figure out how to do this(need guidance)the live rock is for the new tank; was going to put it there while i try to figure out what i'm doing


When I was in the ARMY we would sand it down (wet sand) with 600.
Then soak it for about an hour then throw it in. If that doesnt work we would use a little turpentine to clean up after the sanding. But that is just for the stuff on the surface.
wurd. :happy:


Active Member
To clarify in this case - the rock that is bought online is "precured" - but then shipped for two days - which results in die off. So you must recure the rock at home (in a trash can or something) before adding it to the tank to be safe. If you didn't do this, and added fish too, you would be in trouble most likely. Even if you just added the rock to the tank, your existing fish would be in trouble.
In general, you could add fish at this time if your existing tank can support it (to know, we would need to know more about the set up, water quality, etc)...but the tank can't support newly shipped LR in all likelihood.
Now, since there will be a NEW tank could just put the rock in there and have it cycle in there.
I would not buy any fish until the plumping, etc is all worked out...