Live Rock


New Member
My Tank crashed on me about three months ago and almost everything died. My live rock looks alomost completly bare. If I get another piece of LR and put it in there will this help bring back my other? Or am I better to just start over. It's about 40lbs. 75gal. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks


Active Member
i agree with whipple, but first
if the rock never dried, and such, it is stilllive
the one thing, is what caused your tank to crash??
if it involved any contaminants, i would not use it, medicines included in contaminants(at lest copper based)


New Member
Ich. All my fish died. Never could contain it. So all I did was leave it alone. Light were out but the filter was always on. The rock used to have a lot of growth on it, all kinds. Now it's like I said it's now almost bare. My tests are all way off. So I'm getting them back down to normal now. Also, I've got 2 little catipiler looking things that crawl arond the rock sometimes. There about 1" long very thin. Any idea on what it might be?


Active Member
It sounds like after the fish all died, you may have neglected this tank somewhat for a few months. Lights off - but filter running.
Please correct me if this is not the case.
This may be totally unnecessary - and I suppose it would depend on your water quality test results - but if this was my situation - I would drain off the 75 gallons of saltwater - mix up a new batch - refill the tank - use the existing bare live rock as base ( as suggested )add some new live rock - cycle if you lost your bacteria -and start fresh.
I would hold off on adding any fish for 2 months after the cycle - then move ahead very slowly.