live rock


what do you do with the live rock that you receive from this web sight. last time i ordered some i just put it straight in the tank.but that tank was my backup tank this batch is going into my main tank. should i cure it some even though it says i don't have to. also i saw something for live rock on the web by kent that is used to prep the rock it has a scrubber on it and some kind of solution. is that necessary?


Well I am curious as to how the other rock you ordered turned out. I doubt anything would be any different. I am unsure what chemicals that the Kent product you refer to contains but it may be something that is already available free in the water you use. I would definetly scrub the rock to clean loose debrie from it. The Kent product may not hurt...then again it may not help with anything. Are you cycling a tank? It may not be wise to add a large amount of rock to a tank that has fish unless you know that the rock has aged in a dealers tank for at least a month. The term cured live rock only pertains to "aged" live rock. Meaning it has cycled. Unless it is aged and shipped under water it is impossible to be fully cured/cycled.
Take care, Wayne


Active Member
The rock should be cured in a seperate container first. There's going to be some die off from shipping. I don't know what that scrubber thing is, but I wouldn't use it.


I would put right in to main tank for they say they sold you live rock and that is what it should be and I would place right in. For it you do something to it that could kill off the bacteria which you want then it would be live anymore . The is always a chance you may get an unwanted hitchiker but you have to take that chance I think.The longer you keep out of the tank the more die off you will encure.


Active Member
THE ROCK SHOULD BE CURED. I would not use the kent product. It is unecessary and won't prevent anything, IMO. Just cure the rock in a seperate container with a powerhead and heater.
"PRECURED" generally means that large sponges and things are removed, but this does not mean that other things are not still there to die off. You could be very very sorry if you added it straight to your main established tank.
NO LR can be shipped without die off. It is just not possible.


the last shipment was great nice peices good color it was still damp when i received i just put it in the tank but the tank was a new one that i was setting up for cycle this batch of rock is going into my display tank. i didn't scrub it or anything i don't like using things like the kent scrubber who knows what it would do i guess i was just curious when i ran across it on the net.


so i think i will cure it before i put it in just to be safe . how long should i cure it ? and i need a powerhead heater and a container anything else?


Active Member
Its a way to spend more money, and send it to KENT.
I wouldn't bother with it.
It is possible that you could get VERY LITTLE die off on LR...but there is still usually some. And putting it straight into a tank could cause some issues if you are not careful. Be prepared for water changes but to be safe, I would recure it.