live rock


was researching some fish and ran across a website that stated they will not sell for aquariums that have no live rock because of the benificial elements it brings. is this true? is having live rock that beneficial and if so they state at least a pound per gallon and will i need a protein skimmer, already have tank setup and all but no skimmer, was planning on just fish for this tank but if live rock is that beneficial then that is next, how about live sand as well?


well in natural environment, most fish at juvenile stage prefer safety of reef like environment where they can hide/sleep safely when need be...LR can also add to your filtration as can a DSB seeded w/ LS; they can also help to cycle your tank as not have to have them though for a FO tank; should your tank ever need to be treated for disease, you would not be bale to do so w/o harming/killing the LR & LS; having LR in the tank can be fun,rewarding,educational to have may simply give another spot for bad algae to grow on or it might help out compete the bad algae in the tank depending

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
You'll need a LS base of at least 4". That much live sand can be very expensive so go to a Home Depot and you can buy Southdown Sand (Playground Sand). You can mix this in with the LS and over time it will all grow bacteria. As far as the live rock, i only know that some fish prefer live rock to hide in and some prefer corals to dwell in (Clownfish). The fish might not be AS happy in a non-LR tank but most should probably do fine.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
You will need to have a protein skimmer if you decide you go with a Reef Tank!!!!!
Berlin Turbo or BakPak 2 are pretty good choices
In reading post on this board you'll see alot of people recommending things that others would not. A protien skimmer on the other hand, 90% of the people here would suggest you have one.


went and discussed this with my fish store guy and he highly recommends LR and LS. he is recommending a hang-on addition to the mechanical filtration that would be inplace of a protein-skimmer that he says is better. gonna research that, but in the mean time i have added 40# of LS and will add probably 60# more before i do anythingelse.
BTW what is a DSB?
nm found it in another post, need to read more and speak less, sorry :(

mike b

New Member
Hey New,
Good Question"What Does DSB Stand For?"If Someone Could Reply Back At Least Two People Could Learn A Lil Sum Sum.


New Member
Live rock is beneficial in that it has micro-organisms and bacteria in it, which help to cycle your tank. While I have been told that it is beneficial, especially when starting a new tank, id think that you could have the same effect by throwing a damsel in a new tank and waiting a few weeks.
I have live shrimp loves it...I personally wouldnt waste the money on live sand...