Live rock



My LIve Rock is DEAD.. so i want to take it out and remove the algae and start fresh.. i heard that boiling the rock will kill the algae that's on there and i can start fresh.. if so do i have to recure it.. i'll put some fake corals in for my fish jsut while i clean my rock but it's getting really bad w/ brown algae and red slime. if this will not work what can i do.. thanks.


Active Member
How do you know your LR is dead? Just because it has algea growing all over it does not mean its dead.. :thinking: But if you wish to, you can take some tank water into a 5 gallon bucket, take the rock out a peice at a time, and get yourself a good scrub brush, and get to scrubbing it off. Boiling the rock will kill everything that is on the rock, even the stuff you can't see, so don't do that, people do that if they have a nasty outbreak of Aptasia. What you need is a clean up crew for your tank, snails and hermits, to clean the rock for you, trust me, you won't be disappointed. I'd go twith the snails (mexican Turbo) first, before I scrub anything off, watch what they can accomplish in one night.


okay.. thanks.. i'm just frustrated cuz it looks soo bad w/ all the algae.. i'll get some snails and thingfs before i go to the extreme.. thanks alot..


i'm looking to order the snails.. but i can't find anywhere w/ decent shipping.. here u have to spend 80 dollars to get ur stuff.. id on't wanna do that.. is there anywhere w/ decent shipping..
email me at


Active Member
Well thats kinda tough to answer, SW has a min order, most other places will charge you $25-$30 to ship the live stuff, so I guess it all depends on what you would spend your money on. You can get one hell of a cleaning crew on this sight for $79.
Before getting a cleanup crew check your water. How are your nitrates and phosphates?? Are you doing water changes and how much?? It sounds like you have some water issues to me and I wouldnt add snails or crabs if the trates are to high.