Live Rock????


This isn’t your typical live rock topic :D i know about all the things about it, but what i was wondering was is it possible to MAKE your own live rock???? like say buy 10 or 15 LBs of the good live stuff and mix boiled lava rock with it or another porous rock and let it sit for a few months in a different filtered tank?????


Active Member
Dead rock +live rock+time= lots of live rock!
i wouldnt get lava rock though. Get another type of base rock. Many LFS, or even places online sell live rock, just not live. it is made of coral skeleton though so it is the same stuff. jsut as porus. Lava rock isnt as porus, and can sometimes put minerals into your tank.
plus, i dont know about you, but base rock is less expensive and you get more surface area to grow bacteria by the pound.


Thanks for the info :D i think that is what im going to do. as live rock is so expensive up hear from 8 for crap to 15$ a Lb for good rock.
so ya i think that i will make a hole bunch of that rock and just let it sit for a few months in the water like it says then buy some soso live rock maby 20 Lbs of it and then let it sit for a few more months. What do you think i should have on the tank??? a basic heater, filter, and a power head????
well thanks again for the info.