live rock


Hi Everyone,
I am looking for help :help: on the old live rock in my 54g corner tank. All my live rock has on it is lime green color. How do I get the rock to have more colors then just green?


Active Member
try adding a new piece of LR with good coralline algea growth then get a tooth brush and bruch the coralline, this will release small bits of the algea into the aquarium which will start to grow on other parts of rock. Another thing you could try is purple up, its supposed to help pink and purple coralline algea grow


Active Member
Well, in order for coralline algae to grow, you need to have proper alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium levels. I would not add any Purple Up unless you own a calcium test kit. This product will raise your calcium level.
If your rock right now is a slimy green, there may be a problem in your tank. What are your nitrates? Do you use RO water or tap water? If you are using tap water, there is probably a lot of phosphates and silicates in your tank.


My readings on my system are:
Ph- 8.2
alk- 1.7-2.8
NO2- 0.05
I do not have a NO3 test kit yet or calcium. My LFS is currently out of stock. I have been preforming weekly water changes of 10% trying to get my ammonia lowered. My water was fine until about two weeks ago when my filteration system went haywire.
I was using filterd tap water but have sinced switched to RO water from WalMart. Any :help: would be greatly appreciated. The rocks are slimy.