live rock?

I was wandering if i was to get live rock straight out of the ocean, could i put it in my newly set up aquarium. I have nothing in the aquarium right now except water and crushed coral "no fish or corals". If i could what would i have to do to it first? any info would be great. thanks all.


Originally Posted by pitbullcrazy
I was wandering if i was to get live rock straight out of the ocean, could i put it in my newly set up aquarium. I have nothing in the aquarium right now except water and crushed coral "no fish or corals". If i could what would i have to do to it first? any info would be great. thanks all.

I don't know about the rock from our shores but you may want to re-consider the cc. It may be pretty to look at right now, but it will cause you a big headache eventually. It's very hard to keep clean and you won't be able to get any sandsifting fish. Live sand is the way to go, plus it will cycle your tank much faster. Just my opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
why is it so illegal??
You are pretty much stealing, and destroying part of the oceanic life...


Active Member
ok call me stupid but isnt that what they are doing with fiji live rock? collecting it from the ocean and then shipping it all around the world?

i dont get it.


businesses are doing it with permission... IE buying permits ect..... If you go out and get it you are STEALING..... Gotta pay the man....... lol
I thought CC was good for what im wanting to stock "dogface, lion, eal. should i still be thinking about a sand bed. I thouight crushed coral would be easier to clean becasue i can't have any snails or crabs? as for the live rock im in kentucky, I was just wandering if you could.


Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
why is it so illegal??
There's a little more behind such laws besides thievery.
One aspect is that many states/countries have laws against removing lifeforms from the ocean such as fish, invertibrates, etc (Although some can be taken with proper licensing) ... The idea behind it is to peserve ocean life from indescriminate harvesting so that it can flourish naturally.
In essence, a person can only remove dead things (abandoned shells or dead stars, for example) from the ocean. It certainly could be argued that rock would have living things on it and if it did, it would be a violation of any marine life species protection laws to remove it from the ocean.
As for live rock bought and sold, much is "farmed" in that rock it placed in the water for a couple of years, then harvested. Also, much like fishing, legitimate companies are licensed to take rock, and also have a limit on how much they can harvest.


Active Member
thanks for the great info.
i dont want any of you guys to think that i get my live rock directly from the ocean by picking it off the bottem myself, i was just curious on the legality of it.
once again thank you for the info!