Live Rock


New Member
Hey everybody i am preparing to order lr from and another place I found on the internet called I was wondering if anybody has every ordered from them. Also it seems like their lr is really good. Can anybody tell me about's lr? Is it cured already? I cannot seem to find any info on it besides their price. Aquacon also has some basic pictures and a nice description of their lr.
The reason for ordering it from the internet is the price and the fact my lfs doesnt have any decent live rock for almost two months, and when I asked when their next shipment will come he was like" I dont have time to discuss this with you." or basically go away.
thanks for any info
ps. i feel guilty about posting another company on swf's board. sorry swf but i'm curious. :(
pss. i only want the best for my tank :D


unles that was the only lfs in the area they sure wouldnt see my face in there store again and probibly then i still wouldnt go if theyde tell a customer somethign like that


Active Member
Burn the store to the frame.I waged a war on a lfs here and won.They gave terriable advice,kept a dirty store ,had un-healthy live stock and were rude.I finally raised hell and bad mouthed the store to everybody who'd listen.They shut down 3 weeks ago.Maybe cause of me, maybe not. Either way there gone and I promise it is for the better.I would'nt go back either.
The lr here is good.I'm almost positive it's cured bit something will die in shipping.So you might want to give it some time to re-cure before introducing to a tank.


New Member
thanks for the quick replies and i have vowed never to go to that store again. is the place i was wondering about.i am not sure if the link will work is their web address. about halfway down the lr page there is a special were you can combine the different live rocks that they sell. tell me if you think it is good
thanks again


Active Member
swf is cheaper,a nd for the lfs, i'd tell him to get bent, they need you, not the other way around, there is no reason why i would stand to be talked to like that, unless ther is some BIG BIG problem, like no power in the store


New Member
i know it seems a bit expensive but i thought having fully cured rock was a good idea. also i am waiting to hear back from swf and aquacon. so tk2020 you had bad luck with them huh?hmmm i am vacilating now as to what i should do. the only thing about swf i didnt like was their selection of lr. i would like to here from others who have bought or dealt with swf and aquacon.
thanks again


On the other hand, I do not have any personal experience with them but asked question in "in a different forum" ;) and probably 10 responses warned me about it who did buy from them and was unhappy.


I have not been on this board that long but I would like this board to continue to provide the great message board that they have, Please don;t name other competitors it only hurts the host of this site..Maybe a direct email or something would be better.. I would hate for this board to have to be shut down....Just my opinion and I take it these are also the rules..Not that I;m not for the sharing of info but not that kind on this board..


Active Member
justin, now you may mention competitors, but i side greatly with biggdriver, i have noted this on more than one post, but you may, if you MUST(i try to refrain outta curtesy and like bigg said)


I heard from many people that aquacon is a bad company to buy lifestock from. I dont know about their LR but probably is the same. They have bad reputation and te only way that they can make money now is to sell stuff cheap *people usually get not what they expected.
Maybe you can find a different lfs even if you have to drive 100 miles. Its a lot better to go and see the LR yourself before you buy it.
If you cant find other lfs around then buy from SWF or any other place that offer better service. It will cost you more but why take a chance.


I ordered from them a year or more ago.
Some fish died in transit. They said would replace on next order. I never reordered..
Got several pieces of mixed lr. It didn't cause any harm in the tank, but it sure wasn't as pretty as the picture.


New Member
hey everbody i am just trying to get the best stuff i can. i am ordering about 40pounds of lr from swf but i wanted to shop around and find some more places also. secondly you can post links and talk about other websites now. i remember swf did a poll a while back. i love swf its my favorite place and i am here several times daily. also i did a better buisness bureau search and aquacon came up BAD. but i couldnt find swf or marine depot. i am sure that you guys dont always go to the same lfs. thats like eating peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches everyday for the rest of your life. you need some varity anyways thanks for your replies :)