live rock


New Member
A friend of mine just gave me approx. 100+ lbs. of live rock which he had sitting in his retired aquarium. The lr was covered with water but the salinity was off the chart and this rock was sitting there for about 6 mos. in this high concentration of salt water. My question is, is this lr ok to use in a new tank I want to set up, or should I just buy new lr? Thanks, Bill


check the water the rock was in for ammonia slowly bring the salinity down to norm (a week or two) if ammon. is still absent then use the stuff.


I'd give it a good flush and scrub with fresh saltwater, but yes, it should end up being fine.
I'll second Byrself....wish I had friends like that!


and maybe you should ask your freind if he ever added copper (ick treatment for fish) to the rock. that is the only reason not to use it.