live rock?


hey don't think this is the right forum, but here goes. i have about 60lbs of dead live rock i want to add to my 180. it already has 200 lbs in it. so my question is what is the best method to add to the tank. it has been out of water for almost 8 months. thanks in advance.


Boil than add? that my best guess the live rock in the tank should slowly seed the new dead rock.


Active Member
if it has been dry for 8 months, you should be able to give it a real good rinse and scrub to make sure everything has been washed away...then add it to your tank. You may want to bleach it, but I would personally be worried that I wouldn't get all of the bleach off and would introduce that into my tank (which I am sure could not be a good thing).


Well-Known Member

If the dead rock was your rock and you know what was on it before:
Place it in a bucket with saltwater and power head for a week or two to clear out any dead critters, and then add to the tank.
If it is dead rock from someone else:
Boil it first, cool it off with a good rinse and add it to the tank. I don't like bleaching, chlorine gets into the tiny nooks and it will be hard to rinse it clear.


Active Member
Bleach it. After the bleach soak, put the rock in a container covered with water and one of the water conditioners the take care of chlorine and chloramine. Soak it there for a day and then do a couple of good rinses. Bleach will not get where the conditioner can't get at it.