Live Rock


I am trying to find a place with good live rock at a good price... can anyone suggest a place where the price is good and the shipping is cheap or free and they actually have a good product.
I was considering fiji premium live rock. but if someone beleives that there is a better looking rock out there please post your opinion.

old hermit

shipping is free here for fiji rock. i havent odered any of it from here though. i did get some live sand from this site and it was great and on time.


I would highly recommend Kaelini live rock...a little less dense then Fiji, and loaded with life! Out of respect for the board here, write me if you want the place I got it.


thanks guys they do appear to have pretty good pricing considering the shipping is free.
old hermit i was checking out your pics and you asked for identification of the crabs in the pictures ,, one thing i read the other day was that the decorator crab nips at corals and places them on himself.. so if you notice this habit maybe that is what it is ..