Live Rock


PLEASE HELP!!!! I have about 70 pounds of live rock, and somthing happen to my 30 gal. tank, were I lost everything...
can I bring Live rock back to life????:(


The only way to get it back is too buy more live rock and make sure your calcium and so on in sea water like conditon and you will get it back but this takes time.

mr . salty

Active Member
Adding more "good rock" cant hurt,but if the "dead rock" is put into a new setup it will become live again on it's own in about three to six months...Although getting the coraline algae back will require adding some new rock with good coraline on it...


What do you mean by "lost everything"? If you mean all your fish died, that could be caused by any number of things, some of which may have killed your rock and some of which may not have. You will need to find out what exactly happened to find out if your rock is actually "dead" or not.