Live Rock



Ok dumb question. I do not have a QT tank yet. Right now Im in the process of treating for ick. I have droped salinity from .22 to .19. Is this going to affect my LR? I keep reading in some of these forums where they say hyposalinity will kill everything on your LR. Only other treatment Im using is Garlic. ALso has anyone had luck with this "reef safe" kick-ick?


Active Member
i have used that kick-ich, before this board, and the only thing it did was stain EVERYTHING! A drop to 1.019 isnt doing anything for the ick, true hypo is much lower than that, 1.009, and Should Not be done in the Main Tank. What fish do you have?, if small it doesnt cost much to get a basic 10 gallon up and running---20-30 bucks. HTH