live rock

fish boy

i just got a new 75 gallon tank that i have not filled with water yet but i have some questions
since i am ordering the rock on line it will haved to be cured should i use the un cured rock to cycle my tank?
if so i have a couple of questions. should i leave the light on while the uncured rock is cycling the tank what about the protien skimmer should i leave that on exactlty how do i cure the rock in the tank while cyleing it do i do any water changes


New Member
Hi I wouldnt do any water changes just slows down the cycling time and I also wouldnt run the lights bacteria forms better in the dark and yes use the live rock to cycle it works great better than damsels:D


Active Member
i totally agree with wastn above. dont run the lights, cycle the tnak with the rock, leve the skimmer on all the time, and in several weeks you shoudl be ready to go!
good luck
Im gonna setup my tank and add the saltwater first for a couple of this alright if i havnt added any sand yet or live rock or will it affect the rock or sand you think...and also do guys think its alright to put live sand first and then add the southdown tropical sand...thanks
i waiting for uncured live rock coming thats why i would like to do it this way doing the water first then add the ls and lr...thanks:confused:
i only have 30 pounds of the live sand right now and am getting sick of trying to find the southdown sand around where i it alright if i add it later



Originally posted by vasilithegreek
Im gonna setup my tank and add the saltwater first for a couple of this alright if i havnt added any sand yet or live rock or will it affect the rock or sand you think...and also do guys think its alright to put live sand first and then add the southdown tropical sand...thanks

No, you want to put the LS on top of the southdown for a few reasons. The southdown doesn't have bacteria on it yet and if you put it on top it will cloud the water easily, and will smother the LS. The dead LS can cause major problems to the DSB, the same way that covering up large portions of the sand bed can.
Putting the LS on top will cure a lot of this, and you can also put the southdown in buckets, cover with saltwater and mix in some fish food. It will start to breakdown and form algae on the sand grains which will cause it to sink rather than cloud the water. After a week, put it in the bottom of the tank, followed by the LS.



Originally posted by vasilithegreek
i only have 30 pounds of the live sand right now and am getting sick of trying to find the southdown sand around where i it alright if i add it later

If you want to take a 2 hour trip east on I-94, you can get it for $10 per bag. A small LFS sells it.


Active Member
I have 50 lbs of Southdown in my tank and it is very dusty. I have been filtering the powder out of my tank for almost a week now. But it is clearing up, and I am sure it will be fine. But I would add the LS after the Southdown, not before if you have that option. If you bury the LS too deep, it may not be Live for too much longer.
is it alright if i put the saltwater in the tank and then put the sand and live rock a couple of days later when i get them..thanks


If it's live sand, you will be ok, but if it's southdown, you will have a serious clouding issue. Live sand already has bacteria attached to the grains, therefore they tend to sink and cloud the water much less.