Live Rock


New Member
I have a 55 gal fo swt and have decided to turn it into a reef. I had no lr until about 2 1/2 weeks ago and put 25lbs in. My tank has been up and running for about 10 years so it handled the lr load okay. My nitrate went up to about 20 but is gradually going down. My problem is now I have a brown film all over everything that I never had before. How do I get rid of it!?!
Also had something hatch yesterday that looked like little tiny pieces of dust swimming in my tank! My shrimp and fish went crazy!! Free fish food but any idea what? One more question and I'm done! I have something growing on my lr that looks like a bunch of little circles all bunched together with a pin point hole in the middle of each one and little fuzzy like lines forming the circles. I've searched everything I can think of and the only thing I can find similar are sea mats but I don't think thats what it is. Thanks for any help you can give me. I'm really looking forward to this new challange:D


Active Member
The brown film is probably diatom bloom caused by your nitrates increasing. Should go away as the tank settles.
Not sure about your other questions. Can you get a pic of the growth on the LR.


i have the same small rings on my tank as well, and was just going to post but since someone else did, i looked online and couldnt even find anything about them either



Originally posted by tamstoy
I can but this digital stuff is pretty new to me. Don't know how to get it here.:rolleyes:

Save the pic into the 'puter. Open up, and go to this thread. Next, click to reply to a thread. scroll down to the "attach file" area, click "browse". Then, select the folder you saved the pic to. Then click on the white box with the blue stripe on top at the top right of the window. Choose to view the images as thumbnails, and click on the pic that shows us the little bunch of circles all bunched together with the pin point hole in the middle of each one.