live rock :)


i am getting my 45lbs. of live rock monday or tuseday it is 109.99 (good price yes-no i think so). well i was wondering if i should dunk it in fresh water befor i put it in my tank so i could get any mantis shrimp out of it is this a good idea?


Active Member
do not dip the rock- that will kill alot of other things on it as well- put the pieces that you know a shrimp couldnt be in at the bottom and the ones with the holes- put at the top then check from there and let it sit for a while- and keep an eye open


not all LR rock has mantis shrimp in just certain locations if you dip your rock in FW then everything you are paying for will be dead or dying. if you are really worried about them its better to make up some more water just like the tank but with a higher salinity I think its 1.035 or something like that. the shrimp dont like it and will move out of the rock. but this can cause problems also if there are sensitive inverts in the rocks like stars.
call the place and see where the rock was collected and if its an area that mantis shrimp are rare or unheard of dont worry about it.


thanks.... i am getting the fuji live rock i heard it was good? and i have also read what they do before they ship it. they spray it with a light mist of salt water and a little fresh water so the mantis come out. if you want to read more go to www.***********.com and go to the live rock section and click on the blue print and it will explain it better. but my question now it in the fuji area are there mantis there?


Active Member
yes there are mantis shrimp in the fiji area but I really wouldnt worry about it too much. Just listen for clicking noises at night and check you live rock in the creases and holes for the shrimp.


o yeah BTW when handling rock that might even have a chance of having a mantis of any kind waych where you place your fingers on the rock. the have the ability to split your fingers wide open.


Active Member
I'm not saying you don't have a mantis, no one knows til they know. But figi lr is not a real big risk for mantis. Most of the mantis we hear about comes in on Gulf live rock. I have always added my figi live rock right to the tank. So far no mantis. I would not dip in fresh water as stated above it will kill off more of the goodies that make it live rock in the first place.